There was fury and clamor. Wickedness challenging the righteous. Lightness quelling the dark. Good raging with evil. It was God condemning his enemy and I was in the middle. The target of the coup for both sides ~ each knew too well my value. It was I that was in the dark; living my life as any one of us sanctified to not remember the promises of God but it was Heaven's Angels determined to win because of my ignorance for they battled for God.
That's how my sacred annunciation began ~ listening to a battle for my soul. It's been a number of years now but the spiritual work continues. It wasn't controlled and civilized as you might have imagined it was for the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mine was violent and upending.
At the time that I began to hear them I remember being wholly soaked in fear. A fear I'd never known for it became like a 7th Sense; otherworldly and true.
The first level of fear was the very idea that I could hear voices from Heaven and hell. Angels mixed with my passed on loved ones mixed with demonic forces mixed with whimpering, yelling, chains and savagery; proclamation and judgment. All of them there to claim their prize from whomever would be the winner of me. I cried because it was too soon to tell which forces would win; what evidence would release me. In that month of August it was five months too soon to hope the winner was God.
"She said she can hear angels!"
"NOBODY can hear angels!"
"NO ONE is supposed to hear angels!"
"Michael is going to Jesus. He's taken his horse."
"Michael is going to find out what has happened!"
"Why hasn't God spoken of this?"
"Who is she?"
"She is the priestess. She is the anointed one."
They were all angels. Angels from Heaven not from the abyss. Voices as heralding and choir-ed as anyone could imagine and more. Voices that brought me to tears and enveloped me in love. For many, many weeks they worked diligently on my confidence in who they were and why they had come; telling me truth only I would have known.
And so the revelation began to unfold. Once Michael returned from Heaven all of the angels celebrated the truth he brought with him. For me, it took the better of two years to trust who was speaking to me; who's side of the great divide were the ones I was meant to listen to. It came quickly thereafter the vision of my appointment in Heaven. My sacred meeting in the Sacred Tower with my Lord Jesus ~ high above the fields of grandeur ~ Mighty carbon warrior angels flanked on either side of me where Jesus held my hands and instilled his faith in me. "You are the chosen one. We will prepare you."
Everyday His mighty angels remain by my side, speaking with updates of encouragement. I have collected hundreds of Heaven's Angels that are lining up to prepare and pave the way for the day that the people of the world will all hear their harmonious and powerful voices for that has become the Annunciation of Mia and all of Heaven is getting more excited with each passing day.
And I continue to say, "Be patient. His work is His miracle."
~ Love, Mia