Your angels conduct meetings and agreements with the angels of the persons you intend to do business with. They go ahead of you and your meetings just as we know God does. In the hum of unheard whispers and divine documentation, you receive what God has intended for you. Processes and plans you helped create before your birth. Each and every one of us has sat with the Lord and made our plans and angels are the divine corporate doers that triumph ~ even in the heat of opposing forces they conquer and let happen, regardless even sadly, what that outcome may be. Certain angels revolving in your life at certain times in your life, are allowed to only do so much. Their hierarchy gets inserted into your long life many different times you remain human.
Your angels have gone ahead with the angels of surgeons, lawyers, teachers and professors just as sure as they've converged and conspired with angels representing first responders, military armies, voting polls, all to work through the outcome of God's plan. It's all been decided before you even arrived for it is God's will, pre-ordained, that His Calvary of Angels obey and carry out.
Change, is in all things and wholly sanctioned by Jesus and only through Him, the works of Holy Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, and the entire Heavenly hosts of angels and saints create change. Change is their domain and power. Change is fluid and constant. Nothing stays the same ~ for too long.
Great change these days is upon us and it will take the Lord's Calvary of Angels to give it flight; to make it happen. All of us are in the midst of our own mission of C H A N G E, whatever that looks like in your presence.
And if you look at the word CHANGE close enough you'll recognize the playful notion that ANGEL is right there ~ by adding an "L" and removing "CH". Simple enough.
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